1001 Drag Racing Facts: The Golden Age of Top Fuel, Funny Cars, Door Slammers & More

1001 Drag Racing Facts: The Golden Age of Top Fuel, Funny Cars, Door Slammers & More

B. inggris Regards, Kiki B Rosa Billy Rosa Billy Rosa Billy Rosa Billy Rosa Billy Rosa Billy Rosa Fill in the blank spaces with correct answer! "Hey, Billy!.. (1)" "Hey, Rosa" "How's your (2)?" "Not too... (3)." day badminton racket bad C. d (4) here. (5), do you have heard that there will be a sport equipment sale in the store?" "Really? I am so lucky. I got my... (6) broken. I want to buy another one but only have a few money" "1... (7) to go there at 4 p.m. Maybe we can go there... (8) I will pick you up." "Great I think the... (9) is just starting." "Hahaha Good for you." "I can't wait to go there." "Me too." "Okay then, see you later, Rosa." (10), Billy. together good day by the way Risa Mark Jakarta same want what's up see you​

Biologi Perhatikan bentuk hidup bersama antara individu di bawah ini :* 1) ikan hiu dengan ikan remora                                                                                                                                                                  2) kupu-kupu dengan bunga                                                                                                                                                                       3) kerbau dengan burung jalak                                                                                                                                                                  4) benalu dengan tanaman inangnya                                                                                                                                                   Yang merupakan contoh simbiosis mutualisme adalah ....​